Vegas Gamble Didn’t Pay Off: Battling Sickness and the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon

2 min readMar 5, 2024


The neon lights of Las Vegas were calling, promising a dazzling backdrop for my latest running conquest: the Rock n’ Roll Half Marathon. Weeks of training culminated in this moment, and I envisioned myself crossing the finish line, medal gleaming, amidst the electrifying energy of the Las Vegas Strip.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans. A few days before the race, a sneaky bug decided to take up residence in my body. A scratchy throat, a relentless cough, and a general feeling of lethargy replaced my usual pre-race excitement. I debated. Could I push through it? Would the desert air and adrenaline work their magic?

Against my better judgment, I took the gamble and flew to Vegas. The travel itself, the long hours crammed in an airplane seat, felt like a marathon in itself. Navigating the bustling city, even at a leisurely pace, left me drained. The thought of running 13.1 miles, let alone walking miles exploring the sights, seemed increasingly daunting.

Race day arrived, and the festive atmosphere, the throngs of enthusiastic runners, momentarily reignited the competitive spirit within me. However, as the starting gun fired, the reality of my situation hit hard. Each breath felt heavy, each stride a struggle. The desert sun, instead of energizing, felt like a relentless foe. I finished the race, anyway. I struggled through it.

Returning home from Vegas, I felt worse than when I left. The combination of travel stress, the race itself, and the underlying illness left me completely wiped out. The hardest part? I had to make the heartbreaking decision to withdraw from the One City Marathon in Newport News VA, scheduled for the following week.

This experience, while frustrating, served as a valuable lesson in listening to my body and prioritizing my health. Sometimes, the greatest victories are not achieved on the racetrack, but in the quiet moments of self-care and acknowledging our limitations.




Every step is a thank you, every beat of my heart a celebration. This blog is where gratitude meets grit, where fitness fuels passion, and where stories unfold.